Anhydrous Ammonia Certified Grower Training
It has been just over three years since anhydrous ammonia certified grower training was implemented in Illinois. This means that thousands of growers will be up for recertification ahead of the spring season. If you receive questions regarding ammonia training for growers, below are resources you can share for both in person and online training.
It is important to clarify that anyone involved in the anhydrous ammonia operation on the farm, whether that be applying or transporting ammonia, or working on ammonia equipment, must attend training. There are two options to complete grower anhydrous ammonia training: attend in-person training or online training. In-person trainings will take place in the afternoons at 1:00pm between February 24th through March 6th.
The first link below will redirect you to Illinois Farm Bureau's website where you can view the schedule and register for in-person training. The second link takes you to the online training option, hosted on the Illinois Department of Agriculture's website.