If you are a Grower/Farmer needing online training please click here to go to
the Illinois Department of Ag's website.
If you are a Grower/Farmer needing online training please click here to go to
the Illinois Department of Ag's website.
Thank you for your interest in taking the NH3 Online Training. You must create an account in order to access the training material and quiz. If you already have an account, please sign in to your My Account page.
NOTE: You must first complete the training material in its entirety before you can access the quiz.
The NH3 Safety Presentation consists of 75 instructional slides containing information and safety requirements about Anhydrous Ammonia. Participants must review ALL slides to complete the training. The NH3 Quiz will remain inaccessible until the NH3 Safety Presentation has been completed.
PLEASE NOTE: Access to the training will be available for the duration of the participant's account validity.
The NH3 Quiz consists of a random selection of thirteen T/F questions and twelve multiple-choice questions based on the NH3 Safety Presentation. Please complete all 25 given questions to complete the quiz.
PLEASE NOTE: NH3 Quiz allows for only three (3) attempts to pass. If attempts are exceeded without a passing grade, the participant must contact IFCA for further instructions.